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I’m Muhammad Awon, and for 8 years, I was a chef. I loved bringing joy to people’s faces through food.

While the job was fulfilling, the demanding nature of it took a toll on me. Now, at 37 years old, I’m on a mission to inspire and motivate myself and others who doubt that it’s possible to learn new skills and change careers after a certain age.

I grew up fascinated by computers and technology. My love of problem-solving and learning led me to pursue an IT degree. I believe that my skills and passion will allow me to make a difference in the world. I also believe that anyone can achieve their goals, no matter their age or circumstances, as long as they have a sincere desire and commitment.

I know that I will face challenges, such as time constraints, but I am committed to staying disciplined and working hard. I believe that with hard work and dedication, I can reach my goals and prove that age is never a barrier to pursuing one’s dreams.

Since April 25, 2023, I’ve been on a learning journey to obtain a bachelor’s degree. I’m currently working towards completing the EduQual Level 3 diploma, which will be followed by diplomas up to Level 6.

This website serves as a documentation of my progress, a platform to reinforce my learning by writing about concepts, and an opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals who are interested in learning about developing technologies . My ultimate goal is to motivate them to embrace learning and career change at any stage of life.

If you resonate with my journey and share the belief that age should never hinder personal and professional growth, and you’re looking for a community of like-minded individuals to connect with, inspire, and support each other, I invite you to follow me on my social media platforms. Let’s challenge the limits and pursue our dreams together!

Tracking my strides, this is my present progress .

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On my journey of self-learning, automation, and developing technologies